Only for Liverpool City Region (LCR) Businesses.

The £20m FGF has been designed to incentivise LCR businesses to invest in (primarily) new Capital Expenditure that will help to create new jobs. The funding is available to provide up to 50% of eligible project spend.

  • Maximum amount £1m loan value per applicant repayable over maximum 5 years.
  • Any size of business is eligible (although large SME are less likely to have access to FGF due to relatively cheap funding available from conventional commercial resources).
  • Interest of 2% above Bank of England Base rate from time to time.
  • No fees to borrower (e.g. monitoring or arrangement fees).
  • Initial capital repayment holiday up to 6 months available if needed.

Applicants must demonstrate Social Value; businesses within the Liverpool City Region Combined Authority’s identified priority sectors are preferred:

  • Digital, Createch and AI
  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Health and Life Sciences
  • Professional and business services
  • Low carbon
  • Maritime and logistics
  • Visitor economy, culture and heritage.

To find out more regarding eligibility please visit: or reach out to us for further details.
